🪙About $SPT and $SPT Eco-System

#SPT is the governance token, with a 1 billion supply. We launched it at sunpump few days ago, which is 100% fair distributed and we bought 37% from the market and left it in our team address.


Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Team: 2%


Trade to earn: 6%

Sent to Justin: 24% Liquidity: 63% #SPT Eco-system

In order to reward our bot users and $SPT holders, we will use our $SPT token

Our aim is to build a robust $SPT ecosystem designed for long-term success, with tokenomics serving as the driving force. We’ve meticulously designed a system where bot users naturally become token holders, and token holders, in turn, become active bot users, establishing a sustainable growth cycle.

Last updated